Review Filem : Venom 2018

October 15, 2018

Hi Beautiful People!

Tadi sempat la jugak kekyue pi tgk Superhero filem nieh.Kekyue nie memang fan Marvel's comics,so memang taknak lepaskan peluang la.Hehe.Walaupun agak lambat kekyue pi cinema coz kalau sebelum ni laju je pi tengok,tapi disebabkan agak kebizian sebelum ni,tu yang lambat tu.Takpelah,better late than never,ahaks!

Talking about Marvel's Comics,its never dissapoint me, :)Walaupun banyak gak komen-komen negatif yang kekyue dengar dan baca,tapi kekyue tetap nak pegi jugak tengok sendiri.Lain orang lain penilaiannya kan?So baik pi tengok sendiri.

Ok.Lets start with the review la k?;)

Review? 9/10

Tak Tahu la nape orang dok bagi review negatif pasal filem nih.People are really hard to please!Kekyue pi tengok muvie ni tanpa apa-apa real expectations and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

✔️Tom Hardy does a fantastic job
✔️Venom ni satu karakter yang menarik dan fun! 
✔️The plot is fairly classic for this type of movie; nothing good or bad about it
✔️The special effects are great - Kekyue suka gila dengan transformation scenes tu.
✔️Overall, I recommend it if you like the genre, want to have a good time with a dose of laughters and aren't overly hard to please.

Do Yourself a favor, ignore the critics!

Seriously dude,ignore it! Just go watch it!

Plus apa tau... Malaysia jadi location 1st dlm scene movie ni tau!Tetiba excited pulak kekyue bila dengar orang bercakap bahasa Melayu dalam filem Marvel nieh.rasa macam ,woww!Malaysiaku,gituuu..hehe.Actually ni filem hasil kerjasama dengan Sony & Colombia pictures & Marvel Ent.So for me hasil kerjasama nieh,menjadi!Gud job guys!

Owh ye, ada 2 credit scenes dalam filem ni,so jangan keluar dulu ye..tunggu sampai titik yang terakhir.

Muvie Buff,
Kekyue Jeff.

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